Wednesday, October 14, 2009

She's phoney,. She's fake? Dxmn Nicki.

Soooo.. if ya didn't hear or qet a chance to peep yet:
(Check it outtt holmes! Click that link ↑ because I could'nt post the actual video, it was way too biq)

 Nicki been exposed of her false boobs & buttpads. Lawdamercy!

Aye dios mio! Nicki No bueno!
Now we know why she REALLY calls herself barbie. Shakinq my cabeza on that one.
Now, We all know (I hope) that callinq yourself "a bad bitch" is beyond lame, considerinq 3/4 of MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter females qo by these stupid ass names.

I don't know why a female would want to be called a bad bitch. If any nxqqa called them a bitch then she would qet offended But if she is called a bad bitch, its not a problem? So i hope her ass wouldn't qet mad if he called her a bad hoe too. :)

Dxmn shame how stupid females are today. Why? I don't know. It's 2009, qet an education or a job. Do somethinq productive with your life at least.

Soooo with that said . . .

All the "Minajs, Mirajs, Prettys, Bad Bitches, Barbies, Harajukus" = DEAD yaself. Its over.

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